
Monday, September 19, 2011

What is most important to me?

What is most important to me is that I live true to my life purpose. I have spent so many years of my life pursuing goals that my family or society has set for me that I never took the time to search deep within my own soul to find my purpose. A growing dissatisfaction with my job and my life woke me up to the fact that I was burying my dreams and settling for something far less than what I could be experiencing. As I thought about this more and more, I realized that if I didn’t make a major course change soon, I would one day look back on my life with a regretful heart, knowing that I hadn’t lived my life to its fullest, and that I hadn’t reached my potential. This idea filled me with dread, and I decided that I would not settle for less, whatever the cost.

Living true to my life purpose means that I find my passion, determine how I can use that passion to make a difference for good in this world, and then work for it every day of my life, never allowing anything to stop me. It is a process—a journey—and as I continue to meet resistance along the way, I will make it my purpose to fight discouragement by moving forward always, never stopping to rest and never retreating back to my old ways or to my old, unfulfilling life. Perhaps there is safety and comfort there, but in that place there is no joy, no passion, no bliss. I want more. I want to break through all the barriers and find out who I really am and what extraordinary things I am capable of. I want to find myself rising to such a state that I feel as close to God as possible in this human experience. This is the journey of my life purpose. This is that which is most important to me.


  1. Beautiful thoughts ... I'm so excited to see where this will take you.

  2. As we are doing a similar thing to help Dan find his purpose in life, I can totally relate! It is not necessarily the safe or conservative thing to do, but that doesn't make it not the right thing to do. Good luck!

  3. Thanks Angie! Good luck to you guys too! I am excited for you and Dan and inspired by your courage to make such a major change in order to do what your heart tells you is right for you and your family.
